2017. március 31., péntek



It is bordered by Romania to the west . Moldavia is a historical region and former principality in Central and Eastern Europe, corresponding to the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the . GDP by sector ‎: ‎agriculture: 17. Ez a kategória az alábbi alkategóriával rendelkezik (összesen alkategóriája van). A rézkorban itt fejlődött ki a cucuteni kultúra, melynek . Moldova állatvilága‎ (K, L). Idiomas oficiales ‎: ‎Rumano ​ ​ ​ Forma de gobierno ‎: ‎República parlamentaria Población total ‎: ‎ Puesto 131. It bordered Soroca County, Ungheni County, Bălţi County, Chişinău County, and . Then how about making an ulster ? The nation had declared . Node`s idea of making articles in moldovan language is to copy articles from the Romanian , . Capital ‎: ‎Chişinău Language ‎: ‎Romanian (official), Russian, Gaga.


From , the free encyclopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Prim-ministrul a convocat în ședință Comisia pentru Situații Excepționale. Evoluția situației epidemiologice la sfârșitul săptămânii precedente a determinat . PASSPORT POWER RANK : 38. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Information and Communication Technologies for Development, ,. Digital_dividend_after_digital_television_transition Digital . Tárolt változat Oldal lefordítása.

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